
I’ve had a batch of old metal sunray-shaped findings stashed away in a drawer for years. Every so often I’d take them out and think how I wanted to make something with them, but instead they’d end up back in the cabinet.

Last week, I gave myself some time off to refill the creative well. I went to the library and chose randomly inspiring books on Andy Goldsworthy, Shaker furniture, Antique Jewelry and William Morris. I scribbled ideas in my sketchbook. I wandered off and washed a couple of windows. I tidied my desk. Eventually I dug through my drawers of materials… and there were the findings, waiting.

So I made something that isn’t strictly anything, and had a wonderful time doing it.

findings sculpture

Now this blanket-curtain-whatever-it-is is hanging on the wall, catching the light in its old metal shimmery way, and delighting me. I want to make a GIANT one if I can hunt down more of these findings. The bagful is all used up.

findings sculpture

findings sculpture

4 Responses to “play”

  1. Katy Says:

    Gorgeous! Did those shapes have some sort of industrial purpose to begin with?

  2. Barb Says:

    Absolutely beautiful. Love, love, love this!!!!! 🙂

  3. christine Says:

    These are very fun, also sort of retro and might be lovely in a window although i like the shadows.

  4. Valerie Mangual Says:

    Bursting with delight!

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