merry christmas!

It’s peaceful here. Lots of snow on the ground and only the odd car driving by. I hope your day is as quiet and cozy.

7 Responses to “merry christmas!”

  1. Barb Says:

    Sounds almost identical to my Christmas here. Your tree is charming.

  2. Kim Says:

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Wendy Says:

    Beautiful tree! Merry Christmas to you!

  4. Ellen Says:

    We had a lovely Christmas, infact it seems as if it is still unfolding…
    I love your tree, it is very sweet.

  5. Rose Says:

    Miss you! Happy Holidays!


  6. Enthusia Says:

    Oh, what a lovely tree! Happy Holidays to you and yours–

  7. helle Says:

    Happy New Year, Estyn..
    It’s been so long since I’ve been to visit and to see how you’re getting on with your new home. I’m going to have a look now.
    I often think of the nice time we had together at the Brooklyn market and the meal afterwards.
    So long and best to you and M and the feline friends

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