
I took another tumble down the internet rabbit hole, and look what I found:

A knitting pattern for a Balaclava Helmet – both practical AND handsome.

made with ear flaps to enable good hearing
during telephone operations

Of course. And here I was thinking I was short on gift ideas for my sweetie’s upcoming birthday. No longer! How could he not love it? Right, honey?

There are more where this beauty came from, the Victoria and Albert Museum website has the entire contents of Jaeger’s Hand-Knit Essentials for the Forces online, complete with your choice of downloadable patterns in Word or PDF.

Come to think of it my dad and brother have birthdays next month. Better get knitting…

7 Responses to “suh-weet!”

  1. thenextstopwillbe Says:

    omg, that made me laugh so hard it almost hurt!!

  2. Wendy Says:

    Oh that’s so…so…so sleek, so manly, so practical.

  3. Katy Says:

    Exactly what it looks like when I get my head *stuck* in a sweater! Love the grin!

  4. boodely Says:

    Sleek and manly – that’s it exactly.

  5. jennie Says:

    the ear flaps, oh the ear flaps!

  6. Colleen Says:

    The Ears!
    And such lovely photos of such a silly thing… sigh

    Truly- loved the link to the V&A. I’m not a knitter but the pattern for fishnets makes me reconsider…

    Not that the Balaclava Helmet wouldn’t convert me first…

  7. boodely » Blog Archive » balaclava Says:

    […] Robust. Manly. The balaclava is the ultimate masculine accessory. I’ve written about my balaclava feelings before, and turning to this page in Knitting America I was felled […]

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