
After three years of being quietly green, the plant I believe to be an iris is blooming. I wake up to large, outrageously complex flowers. They last a day, wilt, and then new flowers grow out of the dead heads.

It blows my mind.

6 Responses to “bloom”

  1. Liza Says:

    That is an INCREDIBLE flower. You made my day.


  2. jude Says:

    wow, what an inspiration. and what a color combo, nature is the best, yes.

  3. Wendy Says:

    I’ve never seen an iris like that! It’s stunnning. And well nurtured.

  4. Ellen Says:

    They have a very sweet perfume too. My mother gave this plant to me several years ago. It adapts well and grows like a weed. She got it from a college greenhouse in VA, where she volunteered part time for many years. The story they told her about the plant, when they gave her the original cutting (and the great grandparent of this plant), was that it was, like the ginko tree, a plant that has endured and flourished since the time of dinosaurs. Isn’t that cool???
    Once the flower finishes blooming the flowering part turns into a new plant, like the spider plant does. You can make new cuttings at that point and put them in water where they will root.

  5. boodely Says:

    VERY cool. I remember you telling me how old the plant is, so I usually refer to it as my “dinosaur iris”. I love knowing where my plants came from.

  6. grateful today» Blog Archive » flowers Says:

    […] in my life now that I live in the country. Not just the occasional city cut flowers, or my potted blooming iris, but a huge variety of flowering […]

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