
This is what Annabelle has to say about living with kittens.

I wouldn’t mind plopping down and sticking out my tongue myself.

I’m back from the Buyers Market in Philadelphia; I had a good show and I have lots of leads and ideas I need to follow up on, but I am pooped and I need to sit still for a while. Maybe stick out my tongue. Possibly blow raspberries. And then go make some jewelry…

6 Responses to “cooked”

  1. jennie Says:

    That face is amazing! Blow some raspberries, eat some, snuggle some kittens, recharge.

  2. Liza Says:

    I love that face — my cat Corrinne used to make it, too. Glad to hear that your trip to the show was a good one. And welcome home!

  3. christine Says:

    I want to see this photo blown up to like 20″ x 30″. Superkalafragilwatever

  4. Barb Says:

    Captured. 🙂

  5. Katy Says:

    Welcome back! (Is that Wolfie, perusing the bookcase, in the background?) Congratulations on your triumph, I’m so impressed by your talent, effort, perseverance, and courage. Have a *wonderful* restful week. K

  6. Ellen Says:

    aww, seeing her… I miss the Abb-ster….
    these close up moments are the perfect opportunities for cat head-nudging…

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