waves & flowers

The cone necklace made me wonder what I could do with half-cones so I started this experiment.

Today I closed it so that it turned into a flower. The curves allow it to stretch so it can fit over your hand and onto your wrist. It’s a pretty dramatic bracelet. Or a small sculpture.

Now I’m wondering how the shape will turn out if I change the size of the waves, or the angles, or the number of rows…

12 Responses to “waves & flowers”

  1. Ellen Says:

    this is STUNNING!!!!!

  2. Wendy Says:

    So beautiful!
    I love how it flows, like ribbon candy and exotic sea creatures.

  3. Katy Says:

    Gorgeous, thank you! I feel so honored to have seen it before you closed it. It could also be a skirt.

  4. Barb Says:

    It is sculpture…very very striking. I’d like to see it on your wrist. Put it on and have M take a picture?

  5. jude Says:

    it look like some exotic sea creature, and you would have to do a very dangerous dive to find it, but you would risk it because it is soooo worth it. that is what i think….

  6. Julia Says:

    It manages to look so simple and at the same time mind bogglingly complicated .Amazing!

  7. chris Says:

    OH MY GOD- I must have it. I want it as a necklace, soooo gorgeous. well maybe a necklace and two bracelets, one for each arm.

  8. Rosemoo Says:

    Super nifty moo. I bet it would look cool in light blue too. Bring it in so I can see it?

  9. wazz Says:

    The sea-creature comparisons seem just right – – its an object with such pleasing natural rhythm. I absolutely love it!

  10. helle Says:


  11. Katy Says:

    I went to the botanical gardens last weekend and saw lots of lush blooms and seed pods and branching plants. Several times I thought “this looks like boodely’s jewelry!”.

    Remember when the water lilies at Friend’s Lake reminded me of Monet? (instead of the other way around) You’ve become my Monet reference point!! Katy

  12. boodely » Blog Archive » getting better all the time Says:

    […] Again I think it’s a lovely object, but not yet wearable. The search continues… as soon as I get back into that beloved studio. […]

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