Archive for the 'today' Category


Thursday, September 1st, 2011

Irene blew through here and we were without power and water for a couple of days.

power out

We were lucky compared to many, but we did get a little swimming pool in the basement, so there’s been some throwing out of damaged things, and a lot of laying stuff out to dry.

drying hardware

Being without hot water for four days sure makes me grateful for my shower now that it’s back.


Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Mornings are the low point of my day. I have wisps of dreams and their strange worlds left in my mind and it takes me a while to get going. The best approach is to move slowly, and to “take the day gentle”. When I do, I notice things. Moments of light. Subtle, constant changes that bring me into the current moment.

shadow - water glass

shadow - hops plant

Seems the shadows aren’t only in my head, but moving all around me.

here comes the sun

Friday, February 11th, 2011


There was a moment, walking in the sun, that I got a feeling reminiscent of early spring and I realized with a shock that this winter has been so deep and consuming that I had forgotten that spring will come again. But it will!


Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Most everyone has seen this already, but I was sent back to this wonderful talk and want to post it here, as a reminder to myself, and a signpost for the year.


Thursday, November 11th, 2010

I’m so busy in this run up to Thanksgiving weekend, and I’m very grateful for it. I’m hunkered down at the big table by the wood stove, with my beads and my order list, my cup of coffee, and War and Peace on CD. I kid you not. Forty-eight CDs, sixty-one hours!





street name

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

My name is unusual so I get a kick out of seeing it out in the world. Seeing it knit makes it even better!

Found via yarnbombing, which I hadn’t heard of until my friend Liza sent me the link. Thanks!

year of the cake

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

My plan for a Year of the Cake petered out pitifully until last week, when I managed to get it back up and limping along by baking a Dark Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake for my friend Katherine’s belated birthday get together.

The recipe is from Serving up the Harvest by Andrea Chesman. You’d never know there was any form of vegetable in there, it’s the densest, darkest chocolate cake I’ve ever made. The leftovers were approved of and consumed by M, who is no fan of the green, but a dark chocolate aficionado.

Noola was considerably less approving, as you can see in this picture taken by Katherine.

noola & the cake

“What the blank are you doing?! Where’s my cat food?!”

fall light

Monday, October 18th, 2010

fall trees

fall trees

max & the curtain


Monday, September 27th, 2010

It’s raining.


Across the street, two men in bright yellow slickers are assembling a huge trampoline. Standing on the porch above them is a small red-headed boy in what looks like a superman t-shirt, shouting out his excitement.

rail trail

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

In the spirit of “try something new”, M and I went for a bike ride on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail yesterday. Yet again, I had fun. It would seem that my instincts for routine and the familiar have been serving me ill.

wallkill valley rail trail

The weather was perfect, not too hot, and when pedaling along the breeze felt mighty fine.

The trail crosses an old steel bridge where there are now benches, and we took a break and sat and enjoyed the view and the passing characters.

wallkill valley rail trail

wallkill valley rail trail

wallkill valley rail trail

By the time we got back to the car we’d covered just shy of 10 miles — I had a sore behind but lunch tasted fantastic!